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career pathway

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 13:46
by M. I. T.
Khalid Algorashi wrote: ROYAL COLLEGE (UK & IRELAND)
ماهي متطلبات التدريب ؟
هل كل التخصصات متاحة للأطباء من خارج هذه الدول؟
What is the difference between fellowship and membership?
هل من الأفضل السفر الى بريطانيا وإيرلندا بعد ام قبل قضاء فترة الإمتياز؟
What is the benefits of setting for the PLAB examination ?
What is the benefits from the foundation program ? and does it provide a good chance for finding training job?

Re: career pathway

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 14:36
by M. I. T.
I could not understand what exactly were your questions about, Royal Colleges or working in UK & Ireland?


for Royal Colleges:
1.ماهي متطلبات التدريب ؟
There is no training, it is just a membership certificate
  • You are required to finish a basic medical qualification
  • one year experience of working as physician (house job is accepted as work experience).
2. هل كل التخصصات متاحة للأطباء من خارج هذه الدول؟

3.What is the difference between fellowship and membership?
In the current system:
  • Members are those who passed the royal college exams successfully.
  • Fellow is a doctor has finished at least one year of post-specialty research (after completing the residency requirement and successful membership certification) and has published findings in a professional journal
4. هل من الأفضل السفر الى بريطانيا وإيرلندا بعد ام قبل قضاء فترة الإمتياز؟
if you can do your house-job or internship there, of course it is better to go there.

5.What is the benefits of setting for the PLAB examination ?
To get a license to practice as a doctor in UK.

6. What is the benefits from the foundation program ? and does it provide a good chance for finding training job?
Foundation Program is the house-job training program in UK and Yes it helps you (very much) to get a training post there but it doesn't grantee that

Re: career pathway

Posted: 03 Aug 2011, 21:20
by talalkhalifa
it was very usefull anwers but;
what about the aailability of jobs for sudanese doctors and, is it true that the chance decreases wit incresed age